See the options page Moved settings required by Javascript from hidden inputs to localization object Minor changes to localizations. Пропаганда бренда и сарафанное радио: создание пропаганды бренда: стратегии превращения клиентов в послов бренда. Ссуды SBA являются популярным вариантом финансирования для малого бизнеса, поскольку они предлагают благоприятные условия и $250 000 business loan отбеливание кожи диодным лазером аппарат процентные что лучше элос эпиляция или лазером по сравнению с традиционными кредитами. Social Responsibility. Компании по страхованию жизни и предприятия, в первую очередь вовлечены в андеррайтинг или продажу полисов страхования жизнине имеют права на терапевтический диодный лазер отзывы кредита SBA. Это включает в себя как первоначальную зарплату новых сотрудников, так и продолжающуюся заработную плату существующих сотрудников. Тем не менее, важно отметить, что средства кредитования должны использоваться для разумных $250 000 business loan необходимых расходов, связанных с наймом и сохранением сотрудников.
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Plugin Directory. Responsive Mortgage Calculator. Just what every «Real Estate Agent on the go» needs. This plugin is, optionally, relying on www. The mortgage calculator allows your website visitors to estimate their mortgage payments by entering:. The mortgage payment result is displayed below the form — very simply and very easy to follow. For the savvy user, a click on the information icon reveals more mortgage details….
Use the shortcode on different pages with different field names by using shortcode attributes. Set input values using attributes for total amount, down payment, interest rate, and mortgage term the long way:. The Responsive Mortgage Calculator is for demonstration purposes only and may not reflect actual numbers for your mortgage. You can insert the mortgage calculator into a page or post using the short code [mortgagecalculator] or [rmc].
The mortgage calculator has a default compounding period that is semi-annual. This is likely a problem with the JavaScript file not being loaded, and seems to occur when using the shortcode with a visual editor plugin, like Visual Composer. This will also prevent the CSS file from loading. First, try editing the page with the shortcode. Switch from the visual editor to plain text editing, add the shortcode in plain text, and save it. Check the mortgage calculator to see if it working. Solve this problem by manually loading the scripts and styles. Even better, copy it to the functions.
Test it. The mortgage calculator calculates interest monthly by default, but you can change this on the settings page. This is a known issue. In the current version of the calculator, there can only be one instance of Responsive Mortgage Calculator on a page. This may change at some point in the future. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу. Перевести «Responsive Mortgage Calculator» на ваш язык. Перевести на ваш язык. Добавить мой отзыв. See all reviews.
Перейти в форум поддержки. Отправить плагин Мои избранные Log in. Поиск плагинов. Возможности плагина The mortgage calculator allows your website visitors to estimate their mortgage payments by entering: the total cost of the home, a down payment amount, an interest rate fixed rate , the amortization period mortgage term , and they can select a payment period, either monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly, nice popup summary with chart and amortization schedule. Plenty of Options Set the interest rate compounding period for your region. Format currencies how you want with your own symbol, ISO code and number format.
Hide the down payment field. Set a default interest rate. Accept amortization period in months or years. Set a fixed payment period. Set available mortgage payment period options. Rename the input labels. Add your own CSS classes. Атрибуты Шорткодов Use the shortcode on different pages with different field names by using shortcode attributes. Скриншоты The mortgage calculator fits in the widgets area of your theme or on any page and blends right in.
The form inputs are styled simply and unobtrusively. The circled chart icon is clickable. A longer summary of the mortgage details can be shown by changing appropriate setting. Установка Install this plugin just like any other… Upload the plugin folder responsive-mortgage-calculator. Drag the Responsive Mortgage Calculator into the Widget display area of your choice. If you want, change the title and save it. Shortcode Usage You can insert the mortgage calculator into a page or post using the short code [mortgagecalculator] or [rmc].
Set the Compounding Period The mortgage calculator has a default compounding period that is semi-annual. Часто задаваемые вопросы On submission, the page just reloads and the mortgage calculator shows no results This is likely a problem with the JavaScript file not being loaded, and seems to occur when using the shortcode with a visual editor plugin, like Visual Composer. The calculated payment is off by a few dollars The mortgage calculator calculates interest monthly by default, but you can change this on the settings page. This plugin called back to their servers unnecessarily so I tried to delete it. Trying to delete the plugin get the following error: Deletion failed: There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.
I had to remove it manually via ftp. This is really cool. Love the visuals on «calculate». The calculator itself works just fine. The problem is that when you click «Calculate», it takes you to a rate page with a HUGE call to action that takes the user to another website to get competing rate quotes from a different company and there is no way other than CSS or editing the code, to remove it. But if you are a mortgage provider and looking to use a plugin to provide real time rate quotes for YOUR clients, this is NOT the one to use if you prefer not to have your clients highjacked by a competitor.
How important is outstanding customer support? It takes this clean, simple mortgage calculator to the top of the list!! A must have and thank you again. When reading reviews many people talk about the level of service. I can tell everyone considering this plugin to not question it. We had a client that needed a mortgage calculator that claimed it would be a breeze and should be one out there. That…was…not the case. Once we found this plugin it did everything we needed with great details. David was amazing and provided support that many plugin developers may not. We were able to complete the clients asks and could not recommend this more. Участники и разработчики «Responsive Mortgage Calculator» — проект с открытым исходным кодом.
В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники: Участники Mortgage Calculator. Заинтересованы в разработке? Журнал изменений 2. Fixed bugs in the server side calculation processor. Responsive Mortgage Calculator Pro is now available! Removed dead code Amortization period is now unlimited 2. Fingers crossed. Default currency format added to JavaScript in case you upgrade from a version without having set the currency format in the settings page 2. You can now choose the thousands separator, the decimal delimiter, and the number of decimal places. Also includes the Indian System. Interest Rate field now corrects for poorly formatted input Options page descriptions are improved and labels are shorter Shortcode detection includes form id detection, in case the post content is preprocessed by Visual Composer or other visual editing tools JavaScript currency code validation imporved 2.
If you skipped update 2. Completed changes to the. These changes impact the summary section only Currency format has been removed from the translation files and placed into the database via the options page. See the options page to create your currency format You can now choose to hide the total with interest and downpayment in the results summary. See the options page Moved settings required by Javascript from hidden inputs to localization object Minor changes to localizations.
Please await changes to FR and ES language files if you are using them. Added options page. Widget users may need to reactivate the widget. Мета Версия 2. Добавить мой отзыв See all reviews. Участники Mortgage Calculator. Поддержка Есть что сказать? Нужна помощь?
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Responsive Mortgage Calculator
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